Obavijest o nabavi radova IPARD programa

Dokumenti: Clarification meeting (8. February 2012) Questions and answers-Town of Lipik1 Corrigendum No1 to the Procurement Notice Questions and answers-Town of Lipik2 Contract award notice


Grad Lipik pokreće postupak nabave izvođača radova na izgradnji sustava odvodnje i uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u naselju Gaj koji će se financirati iz IPARD programa, a koji je objavljen na EuropeAid web stranici pod pozivom na broj: EuropeAid/132254/M/WKS/ HR:


Grad Lipik je u Narodnim novinama broj 4 od 11. siječnja 2012. godine objavio nadmetanje za izvođenje radova na izgradnji sustava odvodnje i uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u naselju Gaj gdje će se postupak voditi po pravilima propisanim od strane Europske komisije u Praktičnom vodiču kroz postupke ugovaranja pomoći EU trećim zemljama (skraćeno: PRAG).

Zadnji rok za prijavu je 2. travanj 2012. do 12:00 sati. Svaka prijava zaprimljena nakon tog roka neće se uzimati u obzir.

Cjelokupni postupak nabave radova će se provoditi na engleskom jeziku.

Ponude moraju biti dostavljene korištenjem standardnih obrazaca za nadmetanje uključenog u natječajnu dokumentaciju čiji se oblik i upute moraju strogo pridržavati.

Ponuditelji koji imaju pitanja u vezi natječaja trebaju ih poslati u pisanom obliku na e-mail: grad@lipik.hr i na adresu Grad Lipik, Marije Terezije 27, 34551 Lipik najkasnije 21 dan prije roka za podnošenje prijava, a odgovori na postavljena pitanja će biti objavljena najkasnije 11 dana prije isteka roka.

Naknadu za natječajnu dokumentaciju možete uplatiti sukladno točki 18. Works Procurement Notice-a na žrn: 2340009 1823100001, model: 68, poziv na broj: 7706-OIB uplatitelja.
Tečaj po kojem se obračunava uplata jest srednji tečaj Hrvatske narodne banke važeći na dan uplate.

Town of Lipik intends to award a works contract for construction of sewerage system and waste water treatment facility which Standard advertisement for local open tender procedures (Summary) is published on 23/11/2011 under publication reference number: EuropeAid/132254/M/WKS/HR on the EuropeAid website:


Document for completion and publication by the Contracting Authority.


Construction of Sewerage System and Waste Water Treatment Facility in Settlement Gaj
Republic of Croatia, Pozesko Slavonska County

1. Publication reference

2. Procedure

3. Programme

4. Financing

IPARD programme 2007-2013 Agriculture and Rural Development Plan

5. Contracting Authority
34551 LIPIK


6. Description of the contract

Construction of sewerage system and wastewater treatment facility in settlement Gaj is very important project for town of Lipik. The project provides minimum of standard for living and working conditions. The project has two main activities: construction of sewerage system through out the whole settlement and construction of wastewater treatment facility in vicinity of the settlement. Sewerage system has the main collector (primary sewerage) and nine extensions of sewer (secondary sewerage) allocated according to the streets in settlement. Sewerage system is 6.263,72 m long. Wastewater treatment facility has two parts: biological and mechanical treatment. Waste water is resolved of major waste and than passes through biological treatment and becomes ecologically acceptable for environment. Water is released in nearby watercourse.

7. Number and titles of lots

Not applicable


8. Eligibility and rules of origin

Participation is open to all legal persons, participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers, which are established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorised by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed (see also heading 22 below). All works, supplies and services under this contract must originate in one or more of these countries. Participation is also open to international organisations. The participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed.

9. Grounds for exclusion

Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the Tender Form for a Works Contract, to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EU external actions.

10. Number of tenders

Tenderers may submit only one tender per lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered. Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount in the event that its tender is accepted for more than one lot. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the works required in their tender dossier.

11. Tender guarantee

Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of 13.697,71 EUR when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer(s) upon signature of the contract by all parties.

12. Performance guarantee

The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10% of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the Contracting Authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the next cheapest compliant tender.

13. Information meeting and/or site visit

The tenderer is strongly advised, but not obliged to attend the clarification meeting and to visit and inspect the site of the works and its surroundings for the purpose of assessing, at his own responsibility, expense and risk, factors necessary for the preparation of his tender and the signing of the contract for the works.

A clarification meeting will be held by the Contracting Authority on 08/02/2012 at 12:00 Local Time.

Site visit will be held by the Contracting Authority on 08/02/2012 at 14:00 Local Time. Confirm attendance at: gradonacelnik@lipik.hr, phone: 034/314-831, Veronika Prhal

14. Tender validity

Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.

15. Period of implementation of tasks

9 months from contract signature until the provisional acceptance.


16. Selection criteria

The minimum qualifying criteria for the sole tenderer include:

1. Economic and financial capacity of candidate:

a) The average annual turnover of the tenderer in the last 3 years (2008, 2009 and 2010) must be equal to or exceeding 1.369.771,04 EUR and at least 479.419,86 EUR in each year.

b) Tenderer must have access to sufficient credit and other financial facilities to cover the required cash flow for the duration of the contract. In any case, the amount of credit available must exceed the equivalent of 684.885,52 EUR.

2. Technical and professional capacity of candidate:

a) Tenderer must be a registered firm or natural person legally capable of carrying out the specified works.

b) Tenderer must carry out at least 70% of the contract works by his own resources (equipment, materials, human and financial resources)

c) Tenderer must have and enclose approval for the performance of construction in accordance with Act on architectural and engineering services and activities in physical planning and building (Official Gazette 152/08, 49/11) – Group “G”

d) Tenderers key personnel:

Site engineer needs to fulfil conditions according to the Act on architectural and engineering services and activities in physical planning and building (Official Gazette 152/08, 49/11) as follows:

a) person who has 3 years of relevant work experience or more and that has:

b) Successfully completed study with professional title of professional bachelor (Bachelor) an engineer or an academic title of Bachelor (Bachelor) engineer in the appropriate discipline,

c) successfully completed the study with a professional title of professional engineer applicant in the appropriate discipline or

d) otherwise, acquired level of education according to specific regulation that corresponds to the level of education in b) and c) in the appropriate discipline

e) All key personnel to be mobilised for this project must have appropriate experience and proven qualifications relevant to works of a similar nature to this project as it is specified in the Tender Dossier, volume 1, section 1. Instruction to tenderers, sub-clause 12.1.9.

f) Tenderer, as a main works contractor, must have successfully completed 2 projects of the same nature and complexity comparable to the works concerned by the tender over the last five (5) years.

The minimum selection criteria for Joint venture/ consortium include:

1. Economic and financial capacity of candidate:

a) The average annual turnover of the Leader of consortium/Joint venture in the last 3 years (2008, 2009 and 2010) must be equal to or exceeding 410.931,31 EUR but not less than171.221,38 EUR in each year.

b) The average annual turnover of the consortium/joint venture in the last 3 years (2008, 2009 and 2010) must be equal to or exceeding 1.369.771,04 EUR and at least 479.419,86 EUR in each year.

c) Tenderer must have access to sufficient credit and other financial facilities to cover the required cash flow for the duration of the contract. In any case, the amount of credit available must exceed the equivalent of: 684.885,52 EUR.

2. Technical and professional capacity of candidate:

a) Tenderer must be a registered firm or natural person legally capable of carrying out the specified works.

b) Tenderer must carry out at least 70% of the contract works by his own resources (equipment, materials, human and financial resources)

c) Tenderer must have approval for the performance of construction in accordance with Act on architectural and engineering services and activities in physical planning and building (Official Gazette 152/08, 49/11) – Group “G”

d) Lead member of joint venture/consortium has ability to carry out at least 50% of the contract works by his own means.

e) Another member of joint venture/consortium must have ability to carry out at least 10% of the contract works by his own means

f) Tenderers key personnel: Site engineer needs to fulfil conditions according to the Act on architectural and engineering services and activities in physical planning and building (Official Gazette 152/08, 49/11) as follows:

a) person who has 3 years of relevant work experience or more and that has:

b) Successfully completed study with professional title of professional bachelor (Bachelor) an engineer or an academic title of Bachelor (Bachelor) engineer in the appropriate discipline,

c) successfully completed the study with a professional title of professional engineer applicant in the appropriate discipline or

d) otherwise, acquired level of education according to specific regulation that corresponds to the level of education in b) and c) in the appropriate discipline

g) All key personnel to be mobilised for this project must have appropriate experience and proven qualifications relevant to works of a similar nature to this project as it is specified in the Tender Dossier, volume 1, section 1. Instruction to tenderers, sub-clause 12.1.9.

h) Tenderer, as a main works contractor, must have successfully completed 2 projects of the same nature and complexity comparable to the works concerned by the tender over the last five (5) years.

17. Award criteria



18. How to obtain the tender dossier

The tender dossier is available from Town of Lipik, City Mayor’s Office Marije Terezije 27, 34551 Lipik upon payment of 30 euro, account no. 2340009 1823100001 Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., which excludes courier delivery. It is also available for inspection at the premises of the Contracting Authority, address as in point 5 above. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.

Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to e mail: grad@lipik.hr and at address to Grad Lipik, Marije Terezije 27, 34551 Lipik (mentioning the publication reference shown in item 1) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers’ questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at


19. Deadline for submission of tenders

12:00 Local Time on 02/04/2012

Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.

20. Tender opening session

12:00 Local Time on 02/04/2012 at the premises of Town’s Hall, Town of Lipik, Marije Terezije 27, 34551 Lipik

21. Language of the procedure

All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.

22. Legal basis

EC Council Regulation No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

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